Welcome to the Senior Leaders Dashboard. This page will serve as a centralized location to access many of the systems, reports and other pertinent administrative related items. Each area contains a short description of what this system or report is used for. Simply CLICK the image associated with each area to be redirected to that platform. If there is a user name or password required, that information will be listed.

Planning Center Calendar
is the tool to manage ALL Truth Facility events. It is the central location for tracking senior leaders’ speaking engagements, facility rentals, and church related trainings, meetings and worship events which can be private or public. This is user id and password restricted.
To access the public view of this caledndar please click here.
Ministerial Preaching & Teaching Schedule
This is a GOOGLE shared document and only visible to individuals with the link or by clicking here to be taken directly to the document. The purpose of this shared resource is to manage the weekly, monthly, and yearly ministerial preaching schedule/assignments.
Sound & Media Fine Arts Master Sheet
This is a GOOGLE shared document and only visible to individuals with the link or by clicking here to be taken directly to the document. The purpose of this shared resource is to manage the weekly, monthly, and yearly FINE ARTS (Sound & Media) Schedule. Managed by Minister Ross
Ministry Excellence ACTION/GOAL Sheet
This is a GOOGLE shared document and only visible to individuals with the link or by clicking here to be taken directly to the document. The purpose of this shared resource is to manage the post worship evaluation recommendations and action items.
Facility Key Tracker Master List
This is a GOOGLE shared document and only visible to individuals with the link or by clicking here to be taken directly to the document. The purpose of this shared resource is to manage the master KEY HOLDER list.
Facebook Analytics (COMING SOON)
Click here to access Facebook analytics, growth, reach and post performances.
Click here to access Mailchimp (email) analytics, subscribers, and past email blast performances.

Official Logos & Documents
Administrative Links
Image & Video Galleries
Coastal District Jurisdication Convocation 2021
- Make The Shift Sunday
- 2022 Ordination
- Reusable Facebook Posts