Bishop Haywood Parker
Rev. Dr. Haywood L Parker, a distinguished, dynamic and disciplined leader, is the visionary and Senior Pastor of Truth Tabernacle Ministries in Rocky Mount, NC. Under Bishop Parker’s extraordinary leadership, Truth Tabernacle Ministries has made a major impact in the city and Eastern region of North Carolina during the last forty two years of existence. As a result of strong faith and incredible vision, the ministry has grown and paid for three facilities, and is now worshiping in the amazing tabernacle that sits in the heart of the community and city it’s been called to serve. Dr. Parker is a very compassionate and visionary pastor who cares deeply for the membership of the local assembly and the surrounding community. His contributions have been recognized by the Rocky Mount Chamber of Commerce who awarded him the 2021 Distinguished Citizen Award.
As a son of one of God’s prayer warriors and intercessors, Dr. Parker’s passion is prayer and intercession, along with his favorite indulgence of seeking truth as found in the Scriptures. Truth Tabernacle Ministries is an affiliate of the Mt. Calvary Holy Churches of America under the prestigious leadership of its Presiding Prelate, the honorable Bishop Herbert C. Crump, Jr. Bishop Parker serves as a part of the MCHCA Presidium as the First Vice-Presiding Bishop.
Bishop Parker is highly regarded as a prominent, prophetic and prolific leader in the Lord’s church. Dr. Parker has matriculated through the halls of academia, having earned a B.S. Degree in Mathematics Education from N. C. State University, a Master of Divinity Degree from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, and a Doctor of Education from N.C. State University. He has done postdoctoral work at Regent University in Virginia Beach, VA. He has served the community in many roles: as an Adjunct Professor of Religion at N. C. Wesleyan College, as an Advisory Board member of the Joint College of African American Bishops where he served as chairperson of the Scholarship Committee, the board of the Rocky Mount Chamber of Commerce, and as the President for several civic and non-profit entities in Rocky Mount such as the United Way and the Down East Partnership for Children.
Bishop Parker is happily married to Dr. Wanda Frazier-Parker, whom he loves dearly and who serves with him as Co-Pastor of Truth Tabernacle Ministries. As the leadership team of Truth Tabernacle Ministries, they are unified in spirit, mighty in power, unshakeable in their faith, and intertwined in purpose and vision. The Parkers have been mentors to many sons and daughters enabling them to rise up and fulfill their Kingdom assignment. He is also the father of two wonderful and beautiful daughters, Shelayna and Stephanie, whom he cherishes with all his heart. He also has the good fortune of having a great son-in-law, Rashad and two precious grand boys, Malcolm and Samuel.